
Studies in the Ancient Black Sea Region

A. Collaborative Book Projects on Ancient Black Sea History

B. Published Articles

C. Forthcoming Articles

See here for abstracts.

A. Collaborative Publications on Ancient Black Sea History

ALTAY COŞKUN (ed.): Ethnic Constructs, Royal Dynasties and Historical Geography around the Black Sea Littoral. With the assistance of Joanna Porucznik & Germain Payen, Geographica Historica 43 (series editors: Eckart Olshausen & Vera Sauer), Stuttgart: Steiner Verlag, 2021 (Dec. 2020). 381 pp.

Information on the publisher’s website:

Sneak-peeks and flyer

Ethnicity is a social construct within an ideological framework, ancient or modern. This wisdom has penetrated most scholarly disciplines, but its reception is delayed in Black Sea studies, where essentialist views still prevail. Nationalism, Rostovtzeff’s culture-history and Marxist-Leninist materialism have cast longer shadows on this part of the ancient world. Likewise, the balance between documentary sources and ancient literature needs redressing. The latter has often been either accepted in a positivist manner or rejected due to perceived inconsistencies. More rewarding is to try to understand what exactly the ancient authors knew or intended. In this light, the contributors discuss the concept of Sarmatization, the implications of rural versus urban cults, ethnic hierarchies, interaction patterns in colonial settings, inversions of barbarian stereotypes, cultural affiliations of Bosporan kings, imperial policies of Pharnakes I and II, foreign princes on the Ara Pacis Augustae, the reorganization of Pontos under Pompey and Deiotaros, the sanctuary of Leukothea in Kolchis, Christian urbanism in Scythia Minor and crop selections of Anatolian farmers. Though selective, the book covers the four coastlines of the Black Sea, ranging from the archaic to the Byzantine periods.

VICTOR COJOCARU, ALTAY COŞKUN & MADALINA DANA (eds.): Interconnectivity in the Mediterranean and Pontic World during the Hellenistic and Roman Periods. The Proceedings of the International Symposium organized by the Iaşi Branch of the Romanian Academy, the Museum of National History and Archaeology Constanţa, the Research Project ‘Amici Populi Romani’ (Trier – Waterloo ON) and the Cultural Complex ‘Callatis‘ Mangalia (Constanţa, July 8-12, 2013), Cluj-Napoca: MEGA Publishing House, Dec. 2014. 708 pp.

ALTAY COŞKUN (ed.): Amici Populi Romani, Version 1-10, Trier & Waterloo 2007-2020.

B. Published Articles

ALTAY COŞKUN: Expansion und Dynastische Politik in Pontos: Zwei neue Ären unter Pharnakes I. (‘Expansion and Dynastic Politics in Pontos: Two New Eras under Pharnakes I’), Historia 77.1, 2022, 2-26.

ALTAY COŞKUN: Die geopolitische Bedeutung der Flüsse Tanais und Kalykadnos in den Territorialklauseln des Friedensvertrags von Apameia (Liv. 38,38,4.9) (‘The Geopolitical Significance of the Rivers Tanais and Kalykadnos in the Territorial Clauses of the Peace Treaty of Apameia (Livy 38.38.4, 9)’), Orbis Terrarum 19, 2021, 89-113. See here for sneak-peek.

ALTAY COŞKUN: Die Teilung ‚Armeniens‘ durch Caesar und die Entstehung ‚Kleinarmeniens‘ (‘The Division of “Armenia” by Caesar and the Creation of “Armenia Minor”’), Orbis Terrarum 19, 2021, 65-88. See here for sneak-peek.

ALTAY COŞKUN: Von Mithradates von Kios bis Mithradates V. Euergetes. Kritische Bemerkungen zu Duane Rollers „Empire of the Black Sea“ (‘From Mithradates of Kios to Mithradates V Euergetes. Critical Notes on Duane Roller’s “Empire of the Black Sea”’). In: Frankfurter elektronische Rundschau zur Altertumswissenschaft (FeRA) 44, 2021, 1–36. URL:

ALTAY COŞKUN: Searching for the Sanctuary of Leukothea in Kolchis. In: Altay Coşkun (ed.), Ethnic Constructs, Royal Dynasties and Historical Geography around the Black Sea Littoral, Stuttgart 2021, 287-318 (with map 4).

ALTAY COŞKUN: Pompeius und die ,elf Städte‘ der Provinz Pontus. In: Altay Coşkun (ed.), Ethnic Constructs, Royal Dynasties and Historical Geography around the Black Sea Littoral, Stuttgart 2021, 265-285 (with map 3).

ALTAY COŞKUN: Deiotaros Philorhomaios, Pontos und Kolchis. In: Altay Coşkun (ed.), Ethnic Constructs, Royal Dynasties and Historical Geography around the Black Sea Littoral, Stuttgart 2021, 233-263 (with map 2).

ALTAY COŞKUN & GAIUS STERN: Dynamis in Rome? Revisiting the South Frieze of the Ara Pacis Augustae. In: Altay Coşkun (ed.), Ethnic Constructs, Royal Dynasties and Historical Geography around the Black Sea Littoral, Stuttgart 2021, 199-230.

GERMAIN PAYEN: Les suites de la paix d’Apamée en mer Noire. In: Altay Coşkun (ed.), Ethnic Constructs, Royal Dynasties and Historical Geography around the Black Sea Littoral, Stuttgart 2021, 161-182.

ALTAY COŞKUN: The Course of Pharnakes II’s Pontic and Bosporan Campaigns in 48/47 BC. In: Phoenix 73.1-2, 2019 (Nov. 2020), 86-113.

ALTAY COŞKUN: (Re-) Locating Greek & Roman Cities along the Northern Coast of Kolchis. Part II: Following Arrian’s Periplous from Phasis to Sebastopolis. In: Vestnik Drevnei Istorii (VDI) 80.3, 2020, 654–674. URL:

ALTAY COŞKUN: (Re-) Locating Greek & Roman Cities along the Northern Coast of Kolchis. Part I: Identifying Dioskourias in the Recess of the Black Sea. In: Vestnik Drevnei Istorii (VDI) 80.2, 2020, 354-376. URL:

ALTAY COŞKUN: Phasian Confusion. Notes on Kolchian, Armenian and Pontic River Names in Myth, History and Geography. In the Journal Phasis 21-22, 2019, 73-118 (with maps on pp. 111a, 111b). URL:

ALTAY COŞKUN: Pontic Athens. An Athenian Emporion in Its Geo-Historical Context. In: Gephyra 18, 2019, 11-31. URL:

ALTAY COŞKUN: The Date of the Revolt of Asandros and the Relations between the Bosporan Kingdom and Rome under Caesar. In: Margret Nollé, Peter M. Rothenhöfer, Gisela Schmied-Kowarzik, Hertha Schwarz & Hans Christoph von Mosch (Hgg.): Panegyrikoi Logoi. Festschrift für Johannes Nollé zum 65. Geburtstag, Bonn 2019, 125-146.

ALTAY COŞKUN: Chersonesos Taurike, Asandros and Rome – A New Interpretation of the Embassy of C. Julius Satyrus to Rome, 46 BC (IOSPE I2 691). In: Alice Bencivenni, Alessandro Cristofori, Federicomaria Muccioli & Carla Salvaterra (eds.), PHILOBIBLOS – Scritti in onore di Giovanni Geraci, Milan 2019, 281-306.

ALTAY COŞKUN: Amicitia, fides und Imperium der Römer aus konstruktivistischer Perspektive. Überlegungen zu Paul Burton's Friendship and Empire (2011) (‘Friendship, Trust and Empire of the Romans from a Constructivist Perspective. Reflections on Paul Burton’s Friendship and Empire (2011)’). In: Latomus 76.4, 2017, 910-924.

ALTAY COŞKUN: Heinz Heinen und die Bosporanischen Könige - Eine Projektbeschreibung (‘Heinz Heinen and the Bosporan Kings – Outline of a Project’), in Victor Cojocaru & Alexander Rubel: Mobility in Research on the Black Sea (Iaşi, July 5-10, 2015) (Pontica & Mediterranea 6), Cluj-Napoca 2016, 51-72.

ALTAY COŞKUN: Interconnectivity – In honorem & in memoriam Heinz Heinen (1941-2013). With a Complete Bibliography of His Scholarly Publications. In: Victor Cojocaru / Altay Coşkun / Madalina Dana (eds.): Interconnectivity in the Mediterranean and Pontic World during the Hellenistic and Roman Periods. The Proceedings of the International Symposium (Constanţa, July 8-12, 2013), Cluj-Napoca: MEGA Publishing House, 2014, 25-71.

ALTAY COŞKUN: Kastor von Phanagoreia, Präfekt des Mithradates und Freund der Römer (Castor of Phanagorea, Praefect of Mithridates and Friend of the Romans). In: Nikolai Povalahev (ed.): Phanagoreia und darüber hinaus ... – Festschrift für Vladimir Kuznetsov, Göttingen 2014, 131-138.

C. Forthcoming Articles

ALTAY COŞKUN: Von Kios nach Kimiata. Neue Überlegungen zur Chronologie des Mithridates von Kios und des Mithridates Ktistes sowie zur Gründung des Mithradatidenreiches (‘From Kios to Kimiata. New Considerations on the Chronology of Mithradates of Kios and Mithradates Ktistes as well as on the Foundation of the Mithradatic Kingdom).

ALTAY COŞKUN: Von Amaseia nach Sinope. Die Expansion des Pontischen Reiches unter Pharnakes I. (‘From Amaseia to Sinope. The Expansion oft he Pontic Kingdom under Pharnakes I’), Ricerche Ellenistici 2, 2021, 63-81.

ALTAY COŞKUN: The Bosporan Kings in-between the Mithridatic Tradition and Friendship with Rome: the Usurpation of Asandros Revisited. Forthcoming in D. Braund, A. Chaniotis & E. Petropoulos (eds.), Roman Pontos, Athens ca. 2022.

ALTAY COŞKUN: Mithridates Eupator: Retter, Hegemon, Feind und Opfer der Galater (Mithridates Eupator, Saviour, Hegemon, Enemy, and Victim of the Galatians). Forthcoming in: David Braund & Anca Dan (eds.): Mithridates and the Pontic Kingdom (Collection Varia Anatolica, ed. by the French Institute of Anatolian Studies, Istanbul), Paris: de Boccard, ca. 2022.

ALTAY COŞKUN: Akampsis, Boas, Apsaros, Petra, Sebastopolis: Rivers and Forts on the Southern Littoral of Kolchis. (Forthcoming 2022)